Online Therapy
I am enthusiastic about the digitalisation of mental health care to improve accessibility and flexibility to therapy. I have also received lots of positive feedback from children and young people, that remote therapy has worked really well for them. There have been several published studies from around the world, evidencing that remote therapy is just as effective as face-to-face.
Benefits of Remote Therapy
Communication Ease
Many children/young people have fed back that they find it easier to communicate online, due to this being second nature to them. In 2022, communication over online-platforms is the norm for many.
I have found this method helpful for clients with a depressed-presentation, who struggle with the motivation to get to a physical therapy clinic. Clients are therefore less likely to cancel/not attend.
Going to therapy is anxiety-provoking in itself, so allowing an anxious client to attend from their safe place of home can be hugely helpful. For instance, bringing their own pet to sit with them to feel at ease.
I utilise online tools to aid my practice. This might include screen sharing worksheets to complete together, sharing YouTube videos, completeing online questionnaires and using the whiteboard tool to map things out together.
With certain mental health difficulties, they present in the home environment, such as, OCD. E.g. Young people have taken me around their house (virtually!) to complete OCD tasks that are unique to the home environment.
Digital Creativity
Clients can hop into a therapy session, from anywhere, at any time, cutting down on practicalities issues. For instance, a parent can join a videocall from their work-place, and a child/young per can join from school or college.
How does it work?
Remote therapy sessions will take place over Microsoft Teams, which is free and simple to use.
All I need is your email address, and I can send you a calender invite containing a link. All you need to do, is click on this link and it takes you straight through to the video call.
With the email address that you provide, I will send weekly resources / home tasks via email.
I find that children and young people are very familiar with Microsoft Teams, with many schools using this software for homework and online classes.